Interviews, advise and tips on careers, entrepreneurship, work and wealth. The Afrinado is the go to place to get inspired when it comes to career and business goals.
More often than not there was no room for the artsy child in Kenya’s school system and it’s always a wonder to me when I see someone survive it and making a living off it. As the saying goes, the creative adult is the one that survived.
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What’s most impressive about Wanjiku Nyoike-Mugo, of course apart from how smart she is and I’m telling you she is smart, is how super organised and driven she is. In 2011, before starting her job at the UN, she had already written down the name of the store that dreamed of owning. It’s now 2017 and she is the owner of The Designers Studio, a fashion store in the newly opened Two Rivers Mall situated in Nairobi’s upmarket Gigiri neighbourhood
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Now that I am back on my freelance grind, you, I can’t help but muse at the great and not so great aspects of working from home. . So in keeping with wanting my fellow freelancers and consultants to prosper I decided to share, here we go…
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A former Emirates flight attendant, Pam Gatwiri’s choice to quit her well paying job to sell nail polish was met with a lot of skepticism from both family and friends but she stuck with it. Today, she runs a nail bar in the CBD and beauty stores and supermarkets in Nairobi are stocking her vegan non-toxic nail polish.
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Professional photographer Jeri Muchura recently won the Mo Ibrahim MyAfrica competition, walking away with $10,000 for her iconic photo, “The Boy and His Fish”. She speaks to Afrinado about her passion, creative process and what keeps her inspired on her journey…
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