If you haven’t laid eyes on Nicole Muchai‘s designs, you are missing out. Coloured Sugar is a Nairobi based made to measure apparel company that creates well crafted and easy to wear garments. As chief designer, Nicole strives to pursue innovation at all times by combining style and technology into her unique pieces. And it shows. She talks to us about quitting her job to follow her passion..
Tell us a little about Coloured Sugar
The journey of Coloured Sugar began back when I was in my first year as an undergraduate student at the University of Nairobi. My friends and classmates would always compliment my sense of style which I really didn’t make much of at the time. I have plenty of family overseas so at the time many of my clothing items were mainly from abroad or if not, stuff I had collected at the Nairobi stalls, Jamia Mall or thrifted (which I enjoyed at the time). With time, the compliments turned into inquiries of where to get certain items I owned or similar stuff. As the inquiries grew, I saw an opportunity to earn money by satisfying the rising demand at my campus. I began by selling thrifted tops and dresses from Toi market and then slowly transitioned into “made to measure” due to consumer demand.
As I graduated University and transitioned into the working world, my little hobby come side-hustle began to grow. The consistent clientele pushed me towards registering my business name Coloured Sugar in 2016. Fast forward, three years on in 2019, I decided to quit my job and focus completely on my business. All through, I can attest to God’s faithfulness even through the uncertain periods like the pandemic I have seen his hand working. One of my crowning moments came in January this year when I was able to open my first ever physical clothing store located at the Mini Mall Adam’s on Ngong road. I am now proud to say I serve both women and men of all ages from my store. Therefore all are welcome.

Did you grow up in Kenya? How has that influenced your style and business sense?
Yes, I did grow up in Kenya. Growing up and living in Kenya I would say has been a blessing because of the entrepreneurial spirit within us. We literally are a nation of brilliant business minds and hustlers who never stop grinding. I believe three out of five Kenyans have a knack for business. Even in a 9-5 job many Kenyans still find a way to make extra income. So basically if you can convince a few people to buy a product or service, you are game. And that’s what I did. I got people to buy off me. Literally.
“We literally are a nation of brilliant business minds and hustlers who never stop grinding. I believe three out of five Kenyans have a knack for business”
Another way that growing up in Kenya has influenced me is the weather. I, for the most part enjoy expressing myself through colors and prints and having lived my entire life here, I believe my personal style gives off a “summer time” vibe. As a teenager I was cognizant of how the colors I chose in my wardrobe influenced my emotions, attitude, mood, confidence and overall behavior on a day-to-day basis. And the fact that it’s always hot or warm made me gravitate towards the warmer and brighter colors which now has become my trademark. Business wise, being my authentic self sells organically. I go against the grain and try to avoid trends instead opting to create what I know my client and myself would like. The reason for my growth over the years is that I am my own ambassador and whatever I wear sells off me. All I have to do is just make it customized to the client’s specification.
What prompted you to start a Coloured Sugar? Is it something you always wanted to do?
Growing up I was not one of those kids drawn to a particular profession or calling so I would say I sort of stumbled into this business. I was just a young kid studying Project Planning and Management with a lucrative hobby. and After graduating and trying my hand at the depressing routine of employment, I chose to focus on my clothing business and I can say so far so good.

What are the biggest lessons you have learned running a fashion startup?
I have learnt many lessons along the way, three in particular stand out. One of my initial lessons was learning to listen to my clients. They say the client is ALWAYS right. I shouldn’t admit this in public but I kind of agree. What I 100 percent support is ALWAYS listening to feedback. You never know how much you can learn and internalise from just one client.
Secondly, it is imperative that you surround yourself with people who support you as an entrepreneur regardless of industry. This can be either family, friends, colleagues in the industry, mentors among others.
Last but not least, I believe in the power of starting with what you have and growing it — The power of Now. If I never began because I lacked something or I needed to wait for a perfect time, I would never have reached where I am today. So if there is anything you will get from reading all this is start NOW with what you have.
What inspires you to get up every day and do what you do?
I am extremely blessed to be in love with what I do and that on its own inspires me to get up every day. The life of an entrepreneur is nothing close to routine so not knowing what lies ahead is sort of thrilling to me. Also, I enjoy learning from people from all walks of life with different stories from mine, just the thought of interacting with different amazing individuals on a day-to-day basis, from my tailors, artisans, to the couriers who deliver, suppliers, and finally clients, that enables me to look forward to the rest of my working day and week.

Coloured Sugar currently has an amazing sale on it’s stylish Kimono’s, grab yourself one!