Kenyan jams to add to your holiday playlist

December is here. Time for the 3 F’s, family, friends, and food. Time for some good music and while supermarkets dust off their Bonnie M and Mariah Carey, here are some Kenyan jams to get you moving, dancing enjoying yourself, even if it’s a solo party because that’s okay too.

Sauti Sol – Lil’ Mama

After a long-ish hiatus (at least for fans), Sauti Sol, as a group, is back with this jam and some dance moves right on time for ‘ke Dezemba!’. Loving the futuristic sound on this and it’s definitely an ear bug that you will find yourself humming over and over.

Ayrosh x Mutoriah x Ten tones – Happiness

Because joy and good vibes are your portion this season.

Karun – Here With Me

Karun delivers in this laidback jam, with amazing vocals and great instrumentals, perfect for those long drives up country.

Drill Rhumba- Watendawilli

I loved this take on old school rhumba and new school beats. The catchy lyrics and a bassline that will have you bobbing your head along.

Summer Bunny- Bensoul x Nviiri x Fancy Fingers

Because it is December and the Summer bunnies are landing, in fact, we are now on the second bale.

Dimension Fully focus feat. Bien

Just because we keep finding ourselves singing “Worldwide Miss International” while getting ready.

Rhumba – Wanavokali

Because this song should be a staple for December 1st and New year respectively.

Bado ni Christmas

By Elsephan the multifaceted, he acts, makes music and creates… a lot. Here for Kenyan Christmas songs, love the Throwback R&B vibe in the chorus, the harmonies and vibes…aye!

Inside – The Only Rosa x Naiboi

Rosa is that girl. Her voice, dance moves, charisma and style is always on lock. I hope to see more of her in 2023. This is definitely the soundtrack for December and New Year plans…or derailment.

What are the Kenyan jams are you listening to this December, share them in the comments.


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  1. Teshii
    December 21, 2022 / 2:28 pm

    Great collection, thanks for sharing.