Quarantunes 2.0: Your African playlist for 2021

Is the lockdown getting you down? Here are some great quarantunes to listen to and get you through this panoramic, from Nviiri to Fally there is something for eveyone.

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Music Review: Steady rocking on the Midnight Train with Sauti Sol

If there is one thing you can give Sauti Sol, even if you happen to be a confused fan, is consistency. The group has stuck together since their inception as band in 2005 And consistently produced well written, well arranged, aurally pleasing albums. Their latest offering is no different in terms of quality, songwriting and style. — By Naliaka Wafula

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Six African collabos to add to your lockdown playlist

Being on lockdown does not mean ‘no movement’, if anything, dancing is the perfect release from the never ending COVID19 news cycle. Whether it is updating your at home exercise routine or just getting your feel good endorphins pumping

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