Why your fave influencers need a break too

Woman staring out of window with coffee in one hand

Life as a successful influencer looks a peach. Stylish photoshoots, fans who love you, freebies from hotels and brands. It is sometimes easy to imagine that the work they put in is minimal compared to the gains. It is easy to forget that your fave influencers need a break too.

Rest and Recuperation

Most people expect influencers to crunk up the content during holidays. This is when most people are relaxing, brands are calling and eyeballs are watching. Being a content creator however does not mean straining your mental and emotional health or not spending time with loved ones. I love how Kenyan vlogger Sharon Mundia let her fans know she was going on a much deserved break. Self care is key!


Another reason your fave influencers need a break. They get sick and as we all know illness is not something one plans for. We are currently in a pandemic and quite a number of people have come down with Covid19. For Nigerian Youtuber Dimma Umeh, it meant not spending time with her family or creating content during the lucrative December period. I am glad she took the time out to recover and get better.

New projects

Once you build a name in content creation opportunities come calling. Sometimes these opportunities may require a lot more than first anticpated. Wanting to dedicate more time and attention to a project is normal and sometimes, despite how much creators enjoy uploading and interacting with online followers, there is a need to step back. Green Calabash, one of my fave Youtube familys’, did just that but they also still have loads of amazing content for followers to peruse and enjoy.


Always remember that these are human beings behind your phone or computer screen, they have lives, loved ones and work outside the social media bubble too. Let’s cut them some slack and welcome them back when they are in the right space to give us the amazing content we love and enjoy.


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